Video Tutorials: Social Media Marketing & Community Building

Year of production: 2020

If you wish to launch a new initiative or want to become better at reaching your target groups with your ongoing activities, these 5 videos helps you to plan, create and analyse your communication to get people interested in new topics, join your activities, increase engagement online and raise awareness about your project or topic.

The film maker and a social media influencer Ahmad Mohsen gives you a high level overview about video content creation fundamentals. How to brand your initiative? What to keep in mind when starting to create audio-visual content for social media? What are the techniques? How to market your organisation or project and build a community online? How to create content for your specific target group? How to empower young people? How to build online communities?

This video series has been created by SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre in cooperation with Ahmad Mohsen ( The videos have been created for youth workers, youth organisations and non-profit organisations to better help them reach out and engage young people. The production of this video series is funded with the support from the European Commission from the Erasmus+ programme.

Tutorial: Audio-Visual Content Creation Essentials

Tutorial: Audio-Visual Content Creation & Reaching Yout Target Audience

Tutorial: Audio-Visual Content Creation & Video Production Fundamentals

Tutorial: Audio-Visual Content Creation Essentials & Content Distribution

Tutorial: Audio-Visual Content Creation Essentials & Community Building


Participation Pool | Resources on Youth Participation & Media Literacy
SALTO Participation & Information

SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) develops strategic and innovative action to encourage participation in democratic life.

Ahmad Mohsen photo
Ahmad Mohsen

Ahmad Mohsen quit his corporate job as an Architect to make a living off producing travel, documentary and educational video content on YouTube and other social media platforms.