We encourage democratic participation and media literacy by being a source of inspiration and qualified information

About Participation Resource Pool

We at SALTO Participation & Information believe that democratic participation is everything and aim to foster it by being a source of trustworthy information. We created the Participation Resource Pool so that trainers, educators, youth workers and leaders would gain access to the best and most up-to-date online tools. We invite you to dive in and discover fresh materials and newest trends in Participation in Democratic Life, Media & Information Literacy, Strategic Communication and Digital Participation. Get inspired by best practices, up-to-date training materials and hands-on tools. Dive in. Make a splash.

The name Participation Resource Pool combines within itself the core values and concepts we stand behind. Firstly, Participation, which is the backbone of any healthy democratic society. We would like to see a world where we have decision-making power about all matters that shape our lives. We also believe that making good decisions means that citizens have critical thinking skills and know how to evaluate and create content.

Secondly, the Participation Resource Pool. While there are many global activities in the field of Participation and Media & Information Literacy, we felt that a central hub for legitimate and reliable information about these topics was missing. Like a pool of ideas around which bright minds gather to share information, experiences and best practices, the Participation Resource Pool is an ever-evolving idea exchange which is meant to be the spark that lights change.

Did you know that Youth Participation and Media & Information Literacy (MIL) skills are priority topics in the EU Youth Strategy? The strategy encourages all member states to initiate MIL and critical thinking related activities by “helping prepare young people for participation, through youth work, youth parliaments or simulations, actions around civic education and media literacy in synergy with formal education and public authorities.”

EU Youth Strategy also states that digital technologies have revolutionised young people’s lives in many ways and policies need to consider both opportunities and challenges. We need to tap the potential of social media, equip the youth with digital skills and foster critical thinking and Media Literacy. It is also clear that there are new and alternative ways of participation, which need to be taken into consideration when engaging with young people.

SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre

The overall purpose of SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) is to develop strategic and innovative action to encourage – in accordance with the goals of the EU Youth Strategy and the Erasmus+ Programme – participation in democratic life.

Our superheroes

Here are members of our team who work hard to keep the Participation Resource Pool running everyday.

Alina Besleaga

Participation Coordinator

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Brigita Medne

Youth Participation Coordinator

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Joana Freitas

Participation Coordinator

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Kelly Hrupa

Media & Information Literacy Coordinator

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Louis Biasin

Communication Coordinator

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Alexandre Fonseca

Youth Participation Coordinator (currently on leave)

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Our Goals are:

  • fostering the involvement of young people in democratic decision-making, civic and social life through volunteering or taking up a role in youth organisations;
  • developing expertise on evolving trends in democratic participation, including through digital means;
  • developing expertise on young people’s skills that enhance and underpin their effective participation, including media literacy, sense of initiative and communication;
  • providing guidance to and support for all National Agencies (NAs) on state-of-the-art strategies for reaching out to a higher number of people, increasing the quality and impact of information activities as well as their inclusiveness and the sustainability and transferability of project results.
SALTO Network group picture during the SALTO Network residential meeting 2023 in Paris.

About SALTO Network

SALTO is a network of eleven Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the fields of Youth and Education & Training.

As part of the European Commission’s Training Strategy, SALTO provides non-formal learning resources for educators, youth workers and leaders, and organises training and contact-making activities to support organisations and National Agencies (NAs) within the frame of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes, and beyond.

Our Co-Creators

The people who help keep the Pool full of fresh ideas.

Aleksandra Mangus

MIL researcher and design thinking enthusiast

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Corina Pirvulescu

Policy specialist & youth researcher, European Youth Card Association

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Cristina Bacalso

Independent research consultant, EU council of Europe Pool of European Youth Researchers

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Dr. Dan Moxon

Researcher and practitioner specialising in inclusive youth participation

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Domagoj Morić

Communications expert and freelance trainer

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Evaldas Rupkus

Project manager, trainer and author in fields of youth and Media and Information Literacy

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Georg Feiner

Expert on Youth Participation

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Maia Klaassen

Researcher, trainer and project manager in the field of Media and Information Literacy

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Marko Kovačić

Research fellow, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb

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Martti Martinson

Honorary Fellow at Victoria University

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Mila Corlateanu

Freelance journalist and DW Akademie coordinator

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Neringa Tumėnaitė

Expert on Youth Participation

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Helderyse Rendall

Expert on Youth Participation

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Tijana Femic Bumbic

Expert on Media and Information Literacy

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Bruno António

Expert on Youth Participation and Youth Policy Development

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Branko Čečen

Director of Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia, Expert on Media and Information Literacy

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Dr Alicja Pawluczuk

Researcher and consultant on digital transformation

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Sarah Farndale

Expert on communications and outreach

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