Call for contributors to the 10th InterCity Youth Conference – Participation 3.0

22 April 2021

Would you like to share your perspective, practice or expertise regarding youth participation? Are you passionate about spreading the word about your work related to youth participation?  You are hereby invited to propose a contribution to the 10th InterCity Youth Conference in Ljubljana, November 30 to Dec 2, 2021.

The conference will be held in the context of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union with the ambition to create a strong impetus to further develop young people’s participation as a core element of societal development.
In line with the declaration of the  3rd European Youth Work Convention and as an important contribution to the Bonn process, we want to bring together municipal stakeholders responsible for the provision of youth work in order to strengthen the role and capacity of local authorities in supporting knowledge-based, participatory youth work.

Some objectives of the conference are:

  • To promote and strengthen a holistic perspective on youth participation as a process of co-creation of everything from youth work activities to the everyday life of communities and political agendas and decisions;
  • To provide examples of good practices regarding young people’s participation on local level, showcasing its values and effects for both young people and society;
  • To inspire and function as a starting point for future European trans-municipal cooperation around youth participation through Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps;
  • To equip the participants with the energy and ideas necessary for going back home and make real change.

You are welcome to propose a key-note speech, a seminar or a workshop!

Since the theme is participation, an interactive approach is strongly encouraged!

Please also feel free to forward this call to colleagues or others that you think might be interested to contribute.

In case of question, please, contact Jonas Agdur ( [email protected] ).

The organising team is looking forward to seeing you at the 10th InterCity Youth conference in Ljubljana!


The conference is organised by InterCity Youth, Movit, Slovenian national agency of Erasmus+: Youth in action and European Solidarity Corps programmes, Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth and The City of Ljubljana.

Partners are National agencies of Erasmus+: Youth in action programme of Belgium/Flanders, Croatia, Estonia, France, Germany, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden and The Netherlands within the partnership Europe Goes Local and Public Institute Young Dragons Ljubljana.