Video: Case Study: Estonian Web Police Guarding Safety on Internet (Maarja Punak)

Safer Internet is a term covering a wide range of topics on what is needed to protect from malicious influences on the internet. The term consists of 2 major parts:

  • Personal safety on the internet

    Fostering digital literacy skills among everyone.

  • Safety of the devices

    Protecting devices with available programs, following basic behaviours using digital devices rules and being cautious about storing private information.

Safer Internet and Youth

Safer Internet can not be achieved if every country acts on their own, because internet has no borders. If we share best practices and educate youngsters, parents and teachers we build a stronger basis for the safer internet in the future. The technology to tackle viruses or distribution of child sexual abuse material is improving every minute but so are the threats. However, the biggest harm can happen through social interactions.

Safer Internet in EU

The governments, private Internet companies and non-profit organizations are raising awareness how to stay safe in the internet from different angles. Most renowned institutions working on Safer Internet in Europe are the Safer Internet Centres. They are part of the policies on Better Internet for Kids strategy and their activities are aimed to raise awareness and fostering digital literacy among minors, parents and teachers as well as at fighting against online child sexual abuse material. Every year in February approximately 150 countries worldwide celebrate the Safer Internet Day.

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