The ”Digital Youth Work – State of Play” online event takes place between 16 – 18 March 2022 and it will focus on the results and learning outcomes of the Digital Youth Work LTA. It will include both online streamed discussions and reflective group workshops, covering topics such as national strategies for digital youth work, digital competences and capacities in youth work, quality recommendations for online, hybrid and blended mobilities.
Join the online stream starting 16 March 20222, 10 am CET via Youtube
youtu.beFollow the event via Facebook
www.facebook.comFollow the event via Instagram @dyw.lta
The online dissemination event “Digital Youth Work – State of Play” brings together youth work stakeholders to share and discuss key findings and the state of play of the strategic National Agency cooperation on Digital Youth Work, with the aim to reflect the impact on youth work practices, policies and approaches on local, regional, national and European levels.
What is the event?
The dissemination event will bring together relevant
stakeholders involved in digital youth work developments (on local, regional, national and European level), focusing on presenting the process and key findings (policy recommendations, research findings) of the strategic National Agency cooperation on Digital Youth Work (DYW LTA). The main goal is dissemination of the results and learning obtained in the DYW LTA so
far, in particular in relation to national strategies for digital youth work,
digital competences and digital capacity in youth work and quality requirements for virtual and blended mobilities.
The specific objectives of the “Digital Youth Work – State of Play” are
- Common reflection and sharing of possible implications of the DYW LTA process and key findings in different contexts and realities.
- Competence development and capacity building stemming from the results on local, national and international level.
Online aired from one of the most vibrant youth work cities in Finland
The online event is aired from the City of Oulu, Finland. During the course of the event, you will also get a glimpse of methods and tools used for digital youth work in Oulu. One example of these are experimental projects related to digital youth work and web culture: The Game Mode for Youth Work ESF funded project organises innovation contests for young participants and selected projects pass for production. Game Mode for Youth Work will host an Instagram live session (streamed via the link above) with three of the selected projects on Thursday 12:00 (CET), so remember to join and check it out!
Visit the event’s platform to find more details, keynote speaker presentations, related material and more more about Digital Youth Work LTA