DSU Digital Revolution
The German National Agency for Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps in cooperation with Austrian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch NAs and SALTO EECA organise the Training Course “Power of Digital Youth Work”, to be held between 15-19 May in Leipzig – Germany
The training course is dedicated to university students and future youth workers to be from FI, BE-FL, NL, DE and HU
Deadline for submitting applications: 5 April 2022
Date of selection: 12 April 2022
Please note this training course has 2 parts: online preparation and 15-19 May 2022 in Leipzig.
Digitalisation came to stay, it is time to empower youth workers with digital competences and an agile mindset.
Digital education does not substitute “conventional” non-formal education, it can add a powerful value to make youth work more transformative, participative and accessible.
The aim of this training course is to enhance youth workers’ digital skills, confidence and knowledge to better integrate digital media and technologies in a well-dosed manner, both content-wise and quality-wise, in their daily work.
Why take part?
This training course will address the power of digital transformation in youth work. It will provide participants with opportunities to strengthen their digital competences by
- diving into different dimensions of digital youth work,
- using and applying suitable tools, methods and activities,
- discovering how digital tools can be applied in everyday youth work,
- adapting conventional offline activities and methods to inspiring virtual environments,
- developing critical and creative thinking related to technological developments and digital future,
- sharing challenges and good practices to increase quality when working in virtual settings, and
- developing follow-up projects that include blended or digital parts.
Programme implementation
In order to increase the impact, this training course consists of 3 phases:
Phase 1: Preparation – Before the training starts, participants will have the chance to dive into the topic at their own pace. They will be provided with tools and materials to discover. In this phase, participants will also get familiar with the working platform for the upcoming online sessions.
Phase 2: Training – It consists of an online and residential part (see programme draft below). The online days (26-28 April, each day 10-14h00) will be especially focused on experiencing virtual learning environments, sharing and reflecting on good and bad practices and gathering ideas for projects to further develop during the residential days. The residential days (15-19 May) will have a focus on networking and developing digital-related content, activities and tools which are useful for participants to take home and apply in their day-to-day tasks.
Phase 3: Follow-up – Reinforce the establishment of a network of youth workers who will continue to support each other on a peer-to-peer basis, whether it is to design projects or support each other in the implementation of digital activities.
This training course is a Training Practise Project (TPP) for trainers currently attending the Training of Trainers, edition 2021/22.
Read the full call and apply by 5 April 2022