Suggestive illustration for DYW MOOC
The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Digital Youth Work will take place between the 23rd of May and 10th of July 2022. Youth workers, trainers, youth leaders, youth project managers, volunteering mentors or youth coaches are invited to enrol until the 22nd of May.
The MOOC on Digital Youth Work is perhaps the most comprehensive course on the essentials of digital youth work in Europe. It is an easy learning opportunity through videos, practical tools, examples and discussions. It’s a free, open and flexible course for any kind of learner.
Course objectives:
- To provide knowledge about digital youth work in Europe
- To support the development of digital youth work by providing good practice examples and practical tools
- To support sharing of good practices of digital youth work
- To connect organisations and people interested in digital youth work development
Course content:
- Module 1: General introduction to digital youth work
- Module 2: Digitalisation of society and impact on youth work
- Module 3: Planning and designing digital youth work
- Module 4: Information and data literacy in youth work
- Module 5: Online communication
- Module 6: Digital creativity
- Module 7: Safety online
- Module 8: Reflection and evaluation for digital youth work development
Additionally, there will be 4 to 6 thematic webinars during the 8 weeks of the course. Those who will not be able to join live sessions can watch recorded webinars later on.
Everyone completing the course will receive open digital badges for each module and a Youthpass certificate for completing all the course content.
How to join the course?
Click on the enrolment link. Then enter your email, click if you are a new user of existing ‘Canvas Free for Teachers’ user, register and access the course.
There will be no selection, just click on the link to enrol to the course now!
At the moment you can introduce yourself and fill-in the welcome survey.
All course modules will be available from 23th of May 2022 on.
This MOOC is coordinated by the German National Agency of Erasmus+ Youth and the European Solidarity Corps programmes.
The content is developed by the team of facilitators: Nerijus Kriauciunas and Laimonas Ragauskas from the NGO Nectarus in cooperation with Verke – national Centre of Expertise for Digital Youth Work in Finland and external experts Adina Marina Șerban and Evaldas Rupkus.
The course is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Portuguese National Agency, Programa Erasmus+ Juventude em Ação and Agentur für Internationale Bildungsangelegenheiten, Nationalagentur für Erasmus+ und ESK, Liechtenstein.
Enroll until 22nd of May for the MOOC on Digital Youth Work