MIL Study Visit, Credits SALTO PI
SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) in cooperation with the local host Nexes Interculturas SCCL (Barcelona) are organising a Media and Information Literacy (MIL) study visit “May the source be with you”. The event will take place in Barcelona, Spain from 24–27 October 2022.
APPLY BY 30 JUNE 2022! Applications for the physical event are only accepted through the SALTO Training calendar. Parts of the programme will also be live-streamed on Facebook.
In this study visit, you will…
- Learn about most recent trends and realities of MIL in connection of youth work;
- visit interesting local projects and organisations actively working on MIL;
- exchange about best practices, challenges;
- create a basis for future cooperation and new projects to take place.
The target group:
- Representatives of organisations working actively in the youth field and with the topics of MIL;
- Media educators, researchers and experts interested in bringing MIL skills to European youth work;
- Youth activists, youth workers and others actively involved in connection to the topic of the study trip.
Organisers have 15 spots available, looking for participants actively engaged in running projects in the youth field with a clear interest in initiating MIL projects and international cooperation.
Goals of the study visit:
- Promote and develop MIL skills among youth workers, trainers and NGOs working with young people;
- Give a platform for cooperation and exchange of practices;
- Support in initiating Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects that tackle the topics of Media and Information Literacy as an accelerator and fundamental skill for democratic participation, civic initiative;
- Help to promote democracy and human rights through developing MIL skills.
This event also celebrates the European Year of Youth and UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week.
The study visit is planned to take place in a hybrid way, combining online and offline participation.
Apply by 30 June and discover more details about the Study visit
SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) – SALTO PI is one of the resource centres, established in 2018 and hosted by the Estonian National Agency of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. Being part of the SALTO-Youth network, it is focussing on promoting youth participation across Europe, and especially the EU youth programmes. SALTO PI works with four key topics: youth participation,
media and information literacy,
digital transformation and capacity building in strategic communication. SALTO PI organises training events, develops tools and strategies and promotes best practices in the field of its work. If you want to learn more about the work of SALTO PI, check out the Participation Resource Pool.
Nexes is a non-profit organisation born in 1999 and based in Barcelona. The team of Nexes consists of the youth workers, trainers and practitioners in non-formal education and European programs, who joined together for their common ideals and interest in the dialogue between cultures, the mobility of young people as a learning tool and active participation in the society. The main objective of our organisation is to promote intercultural learning and transnational cooperation, fight against social exclusion and boost active citizen participation, especially among young people. Nexes is also actively working to promote better MIL skills.
This study event is co-funded and organised in cooperation with the National Agencies from Estonia, Spain, Belgium (Flanders), Netherlands, Austria, Iceland, Portugal and SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre. The event is organised with the co-funding of Erasmus+ of the European Union.