ECAS Citizenship Innovation Awards

23 October 2023

European Parliament elections are coming soon! In this context, European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) Awards aims at understanding how to create awareness and increase political participation.

Do you have a solution in mind to foster political participation? Share your ideas and win a trip to Brussels for the Awards Ceremony! Have your say using the crowdsourcing platform by 31 October 2023!


The ECAS Citizenship Innovation Awards, launched by ECAS in 2020, give voice to citizens who wish to express their thoughts on their EU rights. In 2020, citizens were asked to elect the most EU mobile citizens-friendly locations. In the 2021 edition, citizens, academics, creatives and civil society organisations shared innovative ideas about EU citizenship. In 2022, citizens were invited to imagine renewed rights attached to their EU citizenship via our crowdsourcing platform.This year, as citizens will soon be invited to elect new members of the European Parliament, the ECAS Awards will solicit citizens’ ideas on encouraging political participation. As a high turnout is crucial in safeguarding democratic values, we want to hear about challenges and solutions to foster political engagement.

How to participate?

In your opinion, why do citizens feel disconnected from EU politics?  How can we increase voter’s turnout? Do you have a solution in mind to foster political participation?  What can we do to encourage young people to vote?

Want to participate? Please answer this questionnaire on the crowdsourcing platform! Feel free to add a visual (photo, video) to illustrate your opinion. All ideas are welcome!

In October 2023, you will be invited to take part in the second phase of the Awards. Citizens will be invited to vote for the three best ideas submitted during the first phase! The number of clicks on the crowdsourcing platform will count the votes.Winners will be announced at the ECAS annual State of the Union Citizens’ Rights 2024 Conference in Brussels, Belgium… and will receive awards!


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European Citizen Action Service (ECAS)

The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) is an international, Brussels-based non-profit organisation with a pan-European membership and nearly 30 years of experience. Their mission is to empower citizens in order to create a more inclusive and stronger European Union by 1) promoting and defending citizens’ rights 2) developing and supporting mechanisms to increase citizens and citizen organisations’ democratic participation in, and engagement with, the EU.