Illustration: Alfonso Sangiao - Getty Images
As the European elections 2024 are coming close (6-9 June 2024), SALTO Participation & Information is pleased to share a list of practical resources to support the promotion of participation in the upcoming elections.
These resources are suitable for all educators and learners engaged in all sectors of formal and non-formal education. We hope you will find them interesting and relevant in your efforts to highlight the importance of voting and other forms of democratic participation in the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps communities because, as the motto says, “the more people vote, the stronger our democracy becomes”.
- Guidelines on How to Tackle Elections & Participation
This is a practical document for anyone who wishes to engage young people in discussing and creating action on the topic of Participation in Democratic life, including the European elections 2024. You will find some ideas on how to encourage discussion and action in training events, meetings and consultations, and communication.
- Participation in Democratic Life and Elections poster
This is an editable tool that can be adjusted and translated. It illustrates some examples of democratic participation (including voting in elections), policy topics of special interest to young voters and their connection. The guidelines referred to above offer ideas and tips to put this visual aid to good use.
- Article on how to boost youth participation before elections
This article shares inspiring practices, ideas and methods to encourage young people to participate actively and resources on how to support people of all ages understand better how the European Union works. These can be used by the staff of your NA for inspiration for your own events and also be shared with your beneficiaries.
- The Elections toolbox
This news piece lists various campaigns about the European elections, pooling different interesting initiatives by the European Parliament, Eurodesk, ERYICA and other stakeholders.
- Elections quiz
To help audiences get informed in a playful way, we have created a little quiz with more links to election-related resources. You can try the quiz yourself, with our friends, family members and colleagues. Three different quizzes are available on the above link, so feel free to dive even deeper into democratic participation topics and SALTO PI’s work by playing!
Do you know any other relevant resources to add to support participation in the elections and other forms of democratic participation? Let us know by submitting your resource, and we’ll do our best to give it the exposure it deserves.