Digital and mobile tools and tips for youth eParticipation

Year of production: 2018

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Online tools are seen as introducing new opportunities for a low threshold of engagement of young people thus this paper examines how are youth participation habits and trust in politics changing and what has technology to offer by presenting data from the the project EUth – Tools and Tips for Mobile and Digital Youth Participation.


Photo of Evaldas Rupkus
Evaldas Rupkus

    Evaldas Rupkus is a project manager, trainer and author in fields of youth and Media and Information Literacy. He has been working for Lithuanian Youth Council LiJOT, Eurodesk Lithuania, Goethe Institute, ERYICA and International Youth Service of Germany IJAB. Evaldas has started his career as a radio host of youth programmes, later he has launched the youth information and counselling system in Lithuania. At the moment he works in the Media development Asia and Europe department of the Deutsche Welle Akademie. There he focuses on MIL topics like curricula development in countries like Mongolia, Moldova, Ukraine or the Baltics.

    Kerstin Franzl

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