Cross-Sectoral Forum on Youth Participation in Democratic Life, Report

Year of production: 2024

Group photo

Credits: New Power in Youth Strategic Partnership

European countries have a diversity of approaches reflecting the richness in which youth participation is perceived. The Cross-Sectoral Forum on Youth Participation in Democratic Life has been designed as a vibrant space of learning and exchange focusing on strategies for cross-sectoral collaboration among youth participation and civic education sectors and sharing best practices aiming to support youth engagement.

The main aims addressed by the event included:

  • contributing to a shared understanding of youth participation in democratic life in both formal and non-formal sectors – what are the main concepts & approaches,
  • creating a space for mutual learning – including practices connected to school education & civic education citizenship as well as youth work sector & youth participation,
  • identifying key competencies to advance cross-sectoral cooperation,
  • inspiring professionals from both sectors to identify avenues for working together and potentially develop joint projects in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme,

Check the Report to discover the main insights of the event and the recommendations addressed to all stakeholders interested in advancing cross-sectoral cooperation that fosters youth participation.

The Forum was organised in November 2023, in the framework of New Power in Youth Strategic Partnership between several National Agencies (NAs) for Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps and SALTO Resource centres. Hosted by the Latvian NA, it brought together 40 experts from three countries (Estonia, Latvia and Slovenia) and a European region containing the Western Balkan countries (supported by South-East Europe SALTO Resource Centre).


New Power in Youth Strategic Partnership (NPiY)

New Power in Youth is a Strategic Partnership between National Agencies for Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps and SALTO Resource Centres. Its main aim is to foster youth participation in democratic life and it contributes to three specific objectives: Introducing Erasmus+ & ESC Youth Participation Strategy and supporting youth participation projects through E+ & ESC programmes; Supporting the strategic development of youth participation in democratic life on local, national and European levels; Enhancing the partnership between the non-formal and formal education sectors in order to better support youth participation in democratic life.