Explore the Resources of Europe Goes Local: The European Charter and Changemakers Kit

Year of production: 2020

The European Charter on Local Youth Work and the Changemakers Kit are at the heart of Europe Goes Local – a European cooperation project dedicated to enhancing local youth work by providing key resources that foster development and collaboration.

Learn and get inspired from the creation and content of the European Charter on Local Youth Work, which was developed by and for the European youth work community. The Charter sets out guiding principles and standards to help municipalities and organizations deliver effective and inclusive youth work practices. It is based on core values, such as promoting young people’s rights, and is relevant to everyone involved in youth work—from policymakers to youth workers and young people themselves—who seek to strengthen and improve youth work.

The Changemakers Kit supports a wide range of activities, from agenda setting and advocacy to planning joint projects and study visits. Tailored to the needs of youth workers, young people, and policymakers, the kit provides practical tools, best practices, and strategic guidance for those involved in youth work at any level, whether in rural areas or urban centers, and within NGOs or municipal structures.

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Europe Goes Local

Europe Goes Local is a European cooperation project to develop and strengthen local youth work. Their mission is to strengthen the youth work community of practice at the local level, in line with the European Youth Work Agenda and from the perspective of municipalities and of local youth work actors.