General Comment 12: The Right of the Child to be Heard

Year of production: 2009

Image is illustrative. Shutterstock.

The CRC Committee elaborates its general comments with a view to clarifying the normative contents of specific rights provided for under the Convention on the Rights of the Child or particular themes of relevance to the Convention, as well as offer guidance about practical measures of implementation. General comments provide interpretation and analysis of specific articles of the CRC or deal with thematic issues related to the rights of the child. General comments constitute an authoritative interpretation as to what is expected of States parties as they implement the obligations contained in the CRC. (CRIN, 2018) General Comment 12 elaborates Article 12 of the CRC – the right of the child to be heard.


Committee on the Rights of the Child (OHCHR)

The Committee on the Rights of the Child is a body of experts that monitor and report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.