Study New and innovative forms of youth participation in decision-making processes
Year of production: 2017
New and innovative
This study of new and innovative forms of youth participation focuses on young people’s participation in desicion-making processes at national, regional and local levels. It also identifies and explores innovative forms of youth participation.
Growing concern at political level and evidence to indicate that young people have been turning away from established forms of democratic participation,for example increased abstention from voting and decreasing membership in political parties, have led some commentators to argue that young people are disengaging from “traditional” forms of participation and finding “alternative” or “innovative” forms of participation to replace them.
The participation of young people in decision-making processes – be they political, civic, civil society or other – fosters their active citizenship, enhances their inclusion, and strengthens their contribution to the advancement of democracy. It is essential, therefore, to foster this participation and one of the Council of Europe youth sector’s strategic objectives is to support young people’s (positive) attitude to influence decisions in democratic processes – be that at national, regional or local levels – and to increase their involvement in the development of inclusive and peaceful societies.