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Great changes start with small steps. Start your own project or join an already existing one, and become the spark that lights change!
Your Participation Opportunities
Enhance the impact of your projects or find international partners for effective cooperation.
Discover the Programmes
Learn more about Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes and find out how they can support your project.
Contact Your National Agency
Get in touch with your National Agency or a regional SALTO and learn all about opportunities in your country.
Find Training Opportunities
Ready for some growth? Here you can find training activities in the field of
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Please do. We are always on the lookout for inspirational projects, useful web platforms, spot-on articles and fresh practices. We will review your proposal before we publish it.
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Want to keep your finger on the pulse? Subscribe to SALTO News, our monthly newsletter. It will keep you up to date with fresh tools and publications, events and news from SALTO Network and our partners.
Useful Tools
Quality Mobility App
Use Quality Mobility App to create projects, assess their quality, co-create with your team members and learn from different resources to improve your project.
Otlas – Partner Finding Tool
Do you want to find new contacts in the world, send a volunteer abroad or find the missing partner for your project? No matter where your interests lie, you will find what you are looking for in Otlas.
European Youth Portal
Learn about topics of the EU Youth Strategy or find opportunities in education, employment, participation, culture, social inclusion, health, mobility and volunteering on European and national level.
HOP Online Learning
Join HOP to fuel online learning in Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps programmes. Access diverse online courses, connect with learners, authors, and facilitators, along with National Agencies and SALTO Resource Centres.
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Pick a quiz and see how good you are. Perhaps there are things even you don’t know yet?