Image created by Alicja Pawluczuk using Canva
Digital well-being can be defined as the ongoing impact of digital technologies and digital processes on the mental, physical and emotional health of people. Well-being can refer to both positive and negative well-being.
Young people are among the first generation raised in the digital age. Most (if not all) aspects of their well-being are affected by digital transformation. So far, it is difficult to predict how digital technologies will impact the well-being of young people in the long term. That is why it is important to continue to analyse and respond to any arising challenges and opportunities related to digital well-being.
There are studies examining both positive and negative impacts of digital technologies on the well-being of young people – particularly in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. Examples of the positive impact of digital technologies on one’s well-being might be an enhanced sense of interpersonal connection when joining an online community (e.g., social media support groups) or when connecting with friends and family via online video tools. The negative impacts might include an increased sense of anxiety and overwhelmment as a result of excessive use of social media or other online platforms and apps.
However, it is important to note that digital well-being might mean different things to different young people. While there is no blanket approach as to which apps and digital solutions to use to ensure positive well-being, there are some tips on how to navigate the digital transformation in an informed, mindful, and safe way.
The aim of this section is to provide information and resources related to the well-being of young people in the context of digital transformation.