Image created by Alicja Pawluczuk using Canva
In simple terms, strategy can be defined as a plan of action.
Digital transformation is a complex process that requires careful planning and coordination. To understand how digital technologies continue to impact society it is important to have a set of tools and a common understanding as to where the digital transformation should be heading – and how can we get there.
To achieve this, we need strategies – and we need strategies that are inclusive and responsive to the needs of young people.
Digital transformation is an evolutionary process that requires a strategic and collaborative approach. Any efforts that aim to define digital transformation strategy in the European youth field should be built upon the EU Youth Strategy and the European Youth Goals. Any strategic efforts should therefore strive to engage, empower and connect young people (as well as all relevant stakeholders) so they can participate in the development of any digital transformation policies.
Why does it matter?
In Europe, young people are the group that uses digital technologies the most. Young people are mostly going to be affected by social and economic changes related to digital transformation. New and emerging methods of communication, learning, work, and leisure bring about unprecedented challenges for young people’s realities. In recent years, we have experienced profound trends in the growth of automation adoption and the shrinkage of labour supply with appropriate digital literacy skills. Effective strategies are needed to address these challenges.
However, the presence of young people is often lacking at the strategic levels of digital transformation. The proactive and meaningful participation of young people in the creation of future digital strategies is essential to ensure that digital transformation addresses the needs of future generations. To ensure that digital transformation is youth-centred and inclusive, we need the youth sector to be aware of the state of the art in terms of strategies, frameworks and policies.
We provide resources that support creating strategies and resources that show inspirational examples of strategies created. Please check the Resource Pool to find examples of created digital transformation strategies and resources on how to create your own strategy.