Combatting hate speech with young people

Year of production: 2020

Image is illustrative. By Kyle Glenn on Unsplash.

This resource gives teachers a proposal for an activity that aims to educate young people on the theme of hate speech online, how to recognize it and how to treat it. The activity follows 5 phases:
1 Presentation of the Lithuanian video Experiment – Translation. What do I do when I encounter hate speech online?
2 Students are asked to define the meaning of the emoticons and then to use them to categorise the comments.
3 Students are given a selection of the 100,000 comments published online and they are asked to divide them according to the criteria represented and defined by the emoticons.
4 Thinking about language: qualitative considerations: which words are used most frequently?
5 Choose a comment as a group and analyse it in depth; how could the comment be rewritten to avoiding inciting hatred?



Education, gaming, digital citizenship, creativity and participation explored with the media: Centro Zaffiria works every day around these subjects.In recent years the main activity of the Centro Zaffiria has been to collaborate with schools and teachers to promote a greater knowledge of digital media education, which we consider today essential since childhood.Rge website features yhe didactic resources of Centro Zaffiria that are all only in Italian, but you can find some of their materials in English language on external websites, such as:App Your School - Migrant liter@cies - Emels - Film: a language without borders - French: Tandem -