Eurobarometer: Europeans’ use and views of electronic communications in the EU
Year of production: 2021
Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash
The 2021 Eurobarometer “Europeans’ use and views of electronic communications in the EU” responses show trends in the use of e-communications services across the EU. The survey asked Europeans about internet access, fixed and mobile phones, service bundles, receiving costly fraudulent calls and SMSs, roaming, international calls between EU countries, emergency communications, information about the environmental impact of electronic communications and service subscriptions during the pandemic.
Among others, the survey results show that nearly all Europeans (96%) have access to a mobile telephone and 53% have access to a fixed telephone. Over eight in ten, or 82%, households have internet access. It is important to note that the Covid-19 pandemic caused some changes to the Eurobarometer interview methodology, which may influence these results.
A large majority of Europeans, 81%, are satisfied with the quality of the internet connection’s download speed and 82% with their upload speed. Those who live in rural villages are less satisfied, particularly, 77% of respondents.
This appears as a positive development from the 2017 data that reported that over half of Europeans had experienced delays in downloading or uploading content.