Mobile Journalism: How to use your phone to produce great videos and build a social audience

Year of production: 2019

Image is illustrative. Ny Mael BALLAND on Unsplash.

The course materials are broken up into four modules:

Module 1: How to find amazing stories online and from around the world, using the latest techniques and tools to discover and verify user-generated content.

Module 2: This is all about social publishing and how to capture the best possible content with your phone. A few small tips can make a really big difference in producing professional quality videos with the device you already own.

Module 3: Edit the video you created in Module 1 and 2, and get it ready for various social media platforms. We’ll go from the storyboarding and scripting process, all the way to exporting.

Module 4: You’ve done all the hard work, made an amazing mobile video. Now it’s time to share, share, share. The audience isn’t just going to come to you; we need the story to find them! This module shares the secrets of optimizing your content for social platforms and ensuring your stories bubble to the top of people’s social media timelines.


Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas at the University of Texas at Austin provides high-level training, resources, news and information to journalists from around the world. We do this through our pioneering online learning program, Journalism Courses; our trilingual news magazine, Latin American Journalism Review; our annual International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), and more. The Knight Center was created in 2002 at the Moody College of Communication's School of Journalism and Media of UT Austin by professor Rosental Alves, Knight Chair in Journalism and UNESCO Chair in Communication.