Call For Volunteer Translators – Defending Human Rights in the Age of AI

29 August 2022

Would you like to become a defender of human rights in the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? You can become just that by making more information available about how AI is impacting our human rights for your local community!


On the occasion of the European Year of Youth 2022 and the European Day of Languages, SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI), UNESCO and UNITAR invite you to localise (translate or review) the free online course “Defending Human Rights in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” into your native language. 

Whether you’ve used social media, a navigation app or a picture filter, chances are that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has impacted you. It’s not just you — AI is impacting human rights worldwide, and this course will inform and educate you on how your rights are affected by AI, and how you can be empowered to guard these rights. UNESCO and UNITAR jointly launched this short online learning course on AI and Human Rights for youths aged 16 to 24. Experts break down complex concepts about AI into straightforward activities built around our daily technology interactions. The course focuses on how freedom of expression, right to privacy and the right to equality are impacted using AI.


The course is currently available in free access in English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Russian. By translating it in your own mother tongue, you can take an active part in making this important knowledge for human rights accessible for more people globally.  This is also an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of European languages on the occasion of the European Day of Languages on 26 September 2022 and to promote Youth as 2022 is the European Year of Youth!

What this experience will bring for you:

  • an opportunity to experience working with 3 international organisations
  • an opportunity to bring knowledge to your local community on human rights and artificial intelligence
  • an opportunity to be involved in a network of individuals interested in digital transformation – we will be happy to involve you in our activities also in the future
  • an opportunity to network with other translators and reviewers
  • a chance to learn how to manage a translation project of your own, along with several reviewers to collaborate with
  • you will be provided a combined certificate from all organisations involved
  • As a translator, your name will be credited at the end of the course if you are interested.


In order to take part in this project and join our international community of defenders of human rights in the age of AI, you can apply online by filling in the application form HERE by Monday 26 September 2022, the European Day of Languages. It will take you a few minutes to let us know who you are and why you want to come on board with us! The selected candidates will be contacted in the beginning of October. 

An online briefing meeting for all selected translators will take place on 10 October 15 – 16 CEST. Link to join the meeting will be shared to selected translators. Please make sure you are available before applying.

We are looking for 1 translator/project manager and up to 3 reviewers per language.


  • You are a native speaker who has some translation experience or other language related relevant experience from your past.
  • You have approximately 12 hours to contribute to the cause.
  • Technology doesn’t scare you – we might need to ask you to work with the EDAPP online academic platform directly when editing.

Your tasks will include: 

  • leading the translation project in your language
  • working directly with 3 international organisations – SALTO PI, UNESCO and UNITAR
  • participating in the kick-off call (approx. 1h)
  • being aware of the guidance documentation
  • translating the course
  • communicating with the reviewers (1-3 persons)
  • combining reviews (up to 3) and editing translation based on them
  • doing the final check of the course on EDAPP platform and editing if necessary (you will receive a technical intro for that when selected)


  • You are a native speaker who wants to contribute for a good cause (experience is less relevant)
  • The task will take up to 6 hours.

Your tasks will include:

  • reviewing the translation and leaving your comments
  • participating in the kick-off call
  • working directly with the project manager-translator
  • being aware of the guidance documentation


  • Apply by 26 September 2022, the European Day of Languages, to become a translator/project manager or a reviewer.
  • You will receive information about being selected as the translator/project manager or a reviewer by 6 October 2022.
  • An online briefing meeting for all selected translators will take place on 10 October 15 – 16 CEST. Link to join the meeting will be shared to selected translators.
  • The translation time (for translators) is between 17 October – 2 November 2022. You are free to organise your time as you wish during that period.
  • The review time (for reviewers) is in between 2 – 9 November 2022.
  • The translator will combine the reviews, edit the translation and create the final version between 10 – 17 November.
  • Final checks and edits in the EDAPP app will be done between 28 November – 12 December (this timing is somewhat flexible) by translator.
  • The course translated in your native language will be published on the EDAPP platform by the end of 2022/beginning of 2023, and publicised with the other translations on the SALTO PI’s Participation Resource Pool, and on other webpages and social media channels of SALTO PI, UNESCO and UNITAR. 


If you have any questions regarding the call, please contact us at [email protected].  


Participation Pool | Resources on Youth Participation & Media Literacy
SALTO Participation & Information

SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) develops strategic and innovative action to encourage participation in democratic life.


UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015.


The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) provides innovative learning solutions to individuals, organizations and institutions to enhance global decision-making and support country-level action for shaping a better future.