ERYCA in cooperation with EURODESK and a group of young volunteers in the framework of the European Year of Youth have launched a new Guide on Youth Participation in Youth Information!
Youth participation is essential to quality youth information. It supports the human rights of young people, contributes to democratic life and is an invaluable way of improving the work of youth information services.
“This publication gathers that treasure of experience in one place and makes it available to all youth information stakeholders in order to further promote best practice in youth participation. The overall message from the publication is that youth participation is not an optional extra for quality youth information services; it is an imperative.” Dr. Patrick J. Burke (ERYICA President)
The aim of the guide is to discover what youth participation in youth information means and how youth information providers can involve young people in the design, delivery, dissemination, evaluation, and governance of youth information services.
“This Guide will help you develop your approach to engaging young people, actively listening to their views and needs, and adequately responding to them” Lorena Baric (Euordesk President)
The publication gives an overview of youth participation policies and standards and different participation models. The guide is complemented with concrete tips, examples of good practices and a resource list.
Discover the full news and download the Guide here