Apply for our interactive Media & Information Literacy Project Lab if you are eager to start your own project(s) to tackle fake news, cyber-bullying, sextortion, digital security or other topics connected to the Media and Information Literacy! Applications are open until 28 February 2023.
SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) has been working on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) since 2018 and continues to develop activities and resources to improve MIL skills of young people, youth activists, youth leaders and youth workers, as well as increase the number of quality MIL projects within the EU Youth Programmes Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. We are pleased to invite you to apply for this 2nd edition MIL Project Lab (first one took place in 2019), so as to keep up the good work and keep excellent MIL project pouring in!
On the 23rd–25th of May 2023 (arrivals on the 22nd of May, departures on the 26th of May), about 30-35 participants will come together in Tallinn to meet some media and information disorder experts, learn more about Media and Information Literacy, share ideas and experiences and — most importantly — develop their ideas for real projects that could make a difference! Participants will “hack MIL” and come up with useful, practical and creative project ideas and concepts on MIL. Those with existing ideas can further develop their concepts and project plans to increase the chances of funding.
This Project Lab is co-funded and organised in cooperation with the National Agencies from Estonia, the Netherlands and Austria. The event is organised with the co-funding of Erasmus+ of the European Union.
Apply by 28 February 2023
www.salto-youth.netDiscover more about Media, Information & Critical Thinking
participationpool.euREPORT: Media & Information Literacy in the EU Youth Programmes – Empowering Youth Participation
participationpool.euMIL – a survival skill for everyone. Why?