Discover the final programme of the European Youth Event (online & onsite), 9-10 June 2023
7 June 2023
The EYE (European Youth Event) brings together at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and online thousands of young people from all over the European Union and the world, to share and shape their ideas on Europe’s future.
It is a unique opportunity for 16 to 30 year olds to interact, inspire each other and exchange their views with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers, right in the heart of European democracy. In light of the European and global context and ahead of the European elections 2024, part of the programme will focus on the role of democracy and youth engagement.
EYE2023 (the fifth edition) offers a variety of in-person and hybrid activities in Strasbourg, co-created with partners, youth organisations, participants themselves and other institutions and international organisations.
On 9-10 June, the European Parliament and the EYE Village will be a hustle and bustle of young people engaged in panel debates, workshops, stands and artistic activities!
The official opening ceremony will be joined by high representatives of the European Parliament and the City of Strasbourg. After, you can join activities and debate with experts, activists, influencers and decision-makers on almost any topic in the Parliament and in the EYE Village. In the mood for something different? Network away, join a tour of and briefing about the European Parliament, or participate in any of the artistic activities!
Visit the EYE Village for workshops, interactive stands where you can learn more about EU career opportunities and institutions such as the UN, a living library as well as open-air concerts.
Do you have an idea for Europe? The Ideas Hub at EYE2023 is your space to share and develop your idea, network with other participants and apply to become an EYEdea booster. Want to take your idea to the next level? Discuss it with one of our experts in a one-on-one session!
The closing ceremony of EYE2023 offers you a moment to discover the ideas that will be included in the Youth ideas report and what will happen after the EYE.
Discover the full programme here
european-youth-event.europarl.europa.euLearn more about EYE