Invitation Digital Transformer Days | 29-30 November 2023

18 October 2023

The Digital Transformer Days is an International BarCamp on Digital International Youthwork and brings together youth workers from all over the world for the third time: Learn about current and innovative approaches, present your good practice, get inspired, meet experts and practitioners from other countries, ask questions and help shape the future of digital international youth work. In terms of content, the Digital Transformer Days 2023 will focus on the possibilities of inclusion through AI and sustainable digital solutions.

The event deals with the digital future of international youth work and learning mobility.  Sessions, keynotes, a digital café and interactive methods enable exchange, experimentation and peer-to-peer learning over two days. The focus is on you: In the BarCamp sessions, you share and discuss your experiences with experts and practitioners from different fields such as non-formal education, youth work and digitalisation.

The European and International Youth Work Centres and Funding Agencies cordially invite you to participate in the Digital Transformer Days.

Target group

  • Professionals in international youth work, youth workers, project leaders, trainers.
  • Interested parties from research, associations, politics, and practice who deal with digital transformation in non-formal settings.

Working languages

  • In plenary: German, English, French, Polish, Czech (simultaneous interpretation)
  • In the BarCamp sessions: In the sessions, the working language will be agreed upon by the participants. A basic knowledge of English is recommended; on request, we will do our best to provide language mediation.

Conditions of participation and registration

Participation is free of charge. Organisers aim to make it possible for everyone who is interested to participate. Please contact them if you need any support.

The BarCamp takes place at the digital meeting venue and uses the video conferencing tool Big Blue Button. For DINA, you will need a PC/laptop with stable internet access, a camera, and a headset. A tech check is offered to all participants in advance.

As the number of participants is limited to 100, a selection may be necessary. Organsier will make sure that a variety of countries and experiences are represented.


If you have any questions, please contact the organisation team at: [email protected]


Jugend für Europa

JUGEND für Europa ist vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend (BMFSFJ) benannt und von der EU-Kommission (Generaldirektion Bildung und Kultur) vertraglich beauftragt, als Nationale Agentur die EU-Programme Erasmus+ JUGEND IN AKTION (2014 - 2020) sowie Europäisches Solidaritätskorps (2018 - 2020) in Deutschland gemäß den Richtlinien umzusetzen.