Online Dialogues: RAY Monitoring of the European youth programmes

23 October 2023

The next episodes of the Youth Research Dialogue series will be dedicated to the RAY Monitoring of the European youth programmes.

They will share insights of preliminary findings by discussing them along different aspects and topics, such as the programme priorites, programme journeys of beneficiaries, impact on participants and organisations, reflections on individual and broader levels as well as programme management issues. Perspectives for practice and policy will be also included in the discussions.

The RAY Monitoring surveys are conducted with beneficiaries and participants of Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps. For the first time since the start of the pandemic the RAY Network is surveying project participants and project team members of the the European youth programmes. The current surveys have been launched in June 2023 and will remain open until October 2023. The multilingual online surveys aiming at analysing the impact of the European Youth Programmes and their effects on individual, organisational, community and European levels. Project participants and project team members who were part or implemented an Erasmus+ Youth or European Solidarity Corps project within the current programme period are invited to reflect on the effects of the projects and activities (e.g. on participation and citizenship, digitalisation, sustainability, diversity and inclusion) and their own learning pathway and competence development. Furthermore, the effects on learning organisations and communities, the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities, the recognition of youth work, the European dimension as well as the implementation of the programmes are thematised.

Kick-off on 31 October

The first Youth Research Dialogue will take place on 31 October by taking a general look at the survey design and development as well as sharing first findings from a transnational point of view along a different range of topics and aspects. Furthermore, it will discuss ideas and take away points of this first analysis which can be relevant for different stakeholders in policy and practice.

The event will have inputs from the RAY transnational research team – Andrea Horta and Friedemann Schwenzer.

Andrea Horta and Friedemann Schwenzer work for Youth Policy Labs, a small research agency and think tank in the youth sector. Both are part of the RAY transnational research team. Andrea has a research background in neuroscience and psychology, Friedemann has a background in cultural studies. They work with various topics and projects at the intersections of youth work and research, such as digitalisation with the European youth field or organisational learning and development of youth sector organisations and networks.

The event is moderated by Leena Suurpää and Domagoj Morić.

The following Youth Research Dialogues will be dedicated to a specific aspect or topic. We will announce further details in due time.


RAY Network

RAY research activities aim to apply an interdisciplinary approach, in particular referring to sociology, political science and educational science. In this respect, RAY research activities can apply diverse social and educational research methods – quantitative, qualitative as well as a mix of different methods and instruments: multilingual surveys with project participants, project leaders and key staff of beneficiary organisations; case studies of selected projects; interviews and focus groups with different actors involved in Erasmus+ Youth in Action and the European Solidarity Corps. For a wider public and academic discourse of the research results, RAY aims at an exchange with policymakers and other researchers. The RAY Network is committed to disseminate the research outcomes and results in an adequate and effective way to (potentially) interested audiences. The RAY Network - Research-based Analysis and Monitoring of European Youth Programmes - is an open and self-governed European research network. Currently, 34 National Agencies of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action & European Solidarity Corps programmes and their research partners are involved.