New Inspiring Stories to Discover in the Flagship Projects Collection

23 February 2024

The Flagship Projects Collection, curated by SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre, continues to grow with 12 new inspiring stories illuminating the path of participation in the fields of Youth and Education & Training under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes.

The collection provides tangible examples of successful initiatives, becoming a valuable resource for learning, inspiration and replication for educators, trainers and beneficiaries actively involved in the development or implementation of projects within the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes.

It showcases projects from various corners of Europe and beyond, each making a significant impact in its respective field. From empowering girls in Azerbaijan to reshaping media education in Estonia, these projects are steering change and setting new standards for social innovation. Furthermore, they exemplify the power of collaboration, creativity, and inclusivity in driving positive change.

Elevating Young Voices: 4dimensioon

4dimensioon is a vibrant initiative by students from the University of Tartu. This dynamic group of young talents aged 20-27, which includes reporters, designers and editors, has brought fresh perspectives to the media landscape. Beyond articles, they’re shaping the future of media education through workshops, training courses and innovative projects, making a big impact on media literacy in the process.

Read more: Elevating Young Voices: 4dimensioon – SALTO (

100 Girls of Azerbaijan: Empowering Voices and Overcoming Barriers

The 100 Girls of Azerbaijan project champions human rights and gender equality and it empowers girls in Azerbaijan. Despite starting off on a zero budget, it has directly engaged nearly 500 young individuals aged 11-22 and conducted more than 10 gender equality-related training sessions and webinars across the country. The project was nominated as one of the top gender equality initiatives in the nation. In 2022, its leader was invited by the UNESCO SDG4YOUTH Network to participate in the Transforming Education Summit 2022 during the UNGA77.

Read more: 100 Girls of Azerbaijan: Empowering Voices and Overcoming Barriers – SALTO (

DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation and Adult Learning for Active Citizenship

The DIGIT-AL project investigated the impact of digital tools on democratic participation and human rights education. It produced practical resources, including a facilitator’s handbook and policy recommendations, to enhance adult learning. The initiative, which involved collaborations with European educational providers and NGOs, aimed to integrate digital competencies into active citizenship, moving beyond traditional technology use to a more engaged societal role.

Read more: DIGIT-AL – Digital Transformation and Adult Learning for Active Citizenship – SALTO (

Digital Bridges: Shaping the Future of Digital Education

After the pandemic highlighted the need for digital education, a Balkan initiative aimed to improve the technological abilities of teachers and students. It triggered a shift to digital learning, creating a community where ‘digital natives’ could maximise their learning potential. The project’s sustainable results included new school clubs and a strengthened digital mentorship programme, and it enriched student experiences with practical skills and cultural exchanges.

Read more: Digital Bridges: Shaping the Future of Digital Education – SALTO (


The eAkrounta project digitally showcases Akrounta’s history and culture. It features a digital archive, a website and a documentary based on interviews with the people of the village. Landmarks in the village have special QR-coded signs for more online info. Volunteers of all ages, from various fields, collaborated on this community-driven initiative, which highlighted the power of collective effort and digital tools.

Read more: eAkrounta: A Community’s Journey to Preserve Local Heritage – SALTO (

Getting Healthy Through Fun

Bridging Children’s Health and Happiness in Hospitals. The Getting Healthy Through Fun initiative breathes new life into the typical hospital experience. Through creative workshops, university students build strong connections with children and enrich challenging hospital stays with hours of joy and creativity. By adapting to various health needs and collaborating with local businesses, the project emphasises the importance of participation and engagement for medical students, kids and their families.

Read more: Getting Healthy Through Fun: Bridging Children’s Health and Happiness in Hospitals – SALTO (


The LED2LEAP project, inspired by the Council of Europe Landscape Convention, explored participatory processes and community engagement. It brought together educators to encourage dialogue on landscape democracy and to challenge traditional educational models. The initiative’s legacy includes innovative Living Labs, transformative student experiences and a significant change in higher institutions towards inclusive, community-focused landscape planning.

Read more: LED2LEAP: Landscape Education for Democracy – SALTO (


Uniting Europe through Interactive Dialogue. MeetEU is an initiative that promotes engagement in European topics and was born around the 2019 European elections. It emphasises inclusive participation in European events and is welcoming of all backgrounds. The events offer casual English discussions and allow direct conversations with speakers. Using platforms from Instagram to Discord, MeetEU reaches a broad audience, maintaining a core group while continually attracting newcomers.

Read more: MeetEU: Uniting Europe through Interactive Dialogue – SALTO (

Our Space for Our Better Future: Building Community Through Engagement

In the second-largest Georgian village, Martkopi, a youth centre was established to empower the local youth to drive community change. Working alongside the municipality and local organisations, they engaged young activists from different parts of rural Georgia. Through joint efforts, they crowdfunded their budget, set up events and ran campaigns, all with a clear aim: to unite the community and create a space dedicated to young people.

Read more: Our Space for Our Better Future: Building Community Through Engagement – SALTO (

Volunteering as a Tool for Participation and Social Inclusion

Las Niñas del Tul, a dedicated NGO from Granada, Spain, has embarked on a transformative journey within the walls of a local prison. Through innovative participatory methodologies, they’ve crafted engaging activities that resonate with young inmates, from music sessions to Hogwarts-themed events. These initiatives offer a creative outlet while promoting teamwork, leadership and self-reflection.

Read more: Volunteering as a Tool for Participation and Social Inclusion – SALTO (

Yes to Migration, No to Extremism: A European Educational Journey

The project emerged from a Slovak school’s initiative to sharpen students’ critical thinking against extremism. Partnering with schools across Europe and NGOs like Amnesty International and Post Bellum, the project engaged students in interactive workshops and cultural exchanges, fostering an understanding of migration and history. It was a collaborative effort where students, educators and various organisations united to address and educate on pressing social issues.

Read more: Yes to Migration, No to Extremism: A European Educational Journey – SALTO (

Youth Media Sharks: Media Literacy Upskilling

Youth Media Sharks was a project to enhance media literacy among young people and address challenges like COVID-19 misinformation and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Participants from Portugal and Ukraine analysed media content, created awareness campaigns and developed an info-kit for their peers. This initiative bridged cultural gaps and equipped young individuals with essential media navigation skills.

Read more: Youth Media Sharks: Media Literacy Upskilling – SALTO (


The Flagship Projects Collection celebrates these initiatives, emphasising the crucial role of youth and education in shaping democratic participation and fostering positive change. The flagships are not just projects; they are catalysts for change, driving innovation and shaping the future. Each story reflects the dedication, creativity, and passion of those involved, highlighting the potential for positive transformation in various spheres of society.


Participation Pool | Resources on Youth Participation & Media Literacy
SALTO Participation & Information

SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) develops strategic and innovative action to encourage participation in democratic life.