European citizenship – In the process of construction – Challenges for citizenship, citizenship education and democratic practice in Europe

Year of production: 2009

European citizenship is still a contested concept, bringing together two notions and therefore two different debates: one around Europe and European identity, and the other related to citizenship and non-citizenship. Europe, in an ongoing process of construction, should be shaped and defined by its citizens. Young people in particular have a special interest in and concern about what kind of Europe they want to live in. It is therefore important to reflect on how could European citizenship and debates around European identity help and empower young people to actively contribute to building Europe.

The essays collected here address this issue. They present the debates and findings of the research seminar entitled „Young People and Active European Citizenship“, organised by the partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of youth. European citizenship remains one of the main priorities of this partnership.


Ditta Dolejšiová

Photo of Miguel Angel Garcia Lopez
Miguel Ángel García López

Miguel Ángel García López holds a University Expert (Master Degree) on Educational Evaluation. He has a strong background in the field of education, having worked for over 15 years in this area, both as a lecturer in formal education and as a trainer and consultant in non-formal education and youth training at European level. He has extensive expertise as a trainer, evaluator, facilitator and author on a broad range of topics including youth policy, intercultural dialogue, human rights education, social inclusion, training of trainers, minorities, anti-discrimination and social entrepreneurship.

EU-CoE youth partnership logo
The Partnership between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth

The EU-CoE youth partnership is a co-operation programme between the European Commission and the Council of Europe in the field of youth, created in 1998. It is based on the principle of a balanced involvement of the partner institutions in terms of political priorities, management, funding and visibility.