Guidelines for successful e-participation by young people

Year of production: 2014

The Guidelines provide those planning an e-participation process for young people with a set of factors they should take into consideration to make the process more effective. They are designed to support youth policy experts, decision-makers, young people, youth organisations and administrative staff. These guidelines are advisory and can be adapted to the needs of different e-participation initiatives and the differing
circumstances of young people, and to meet future technical and societal changes.

The guidelines were produced as part of a multilateral cooperation project – “youtpart” led by IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, established to start an international dialogue on how more young people can be encouraged to participate in decision-making in today’s digital society.
The cooperation included the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, together with its European partners, the Austrian Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth, the British Youth Council, the Spanish Institute for Youth (INJUVE) and the Finnish Development Centre for Youth Information and Counselling (Koordinaatti), and with the support of the European Commission’s DG Education & Culture (Youth unit, D.1).


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IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany

IJAB, the International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, was established in 1967. Today, it works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, its own member organisations and other youth work providers. JUGEND für Europa, the National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps in Germany, is affiliated with IJAB.