OGP Toolbox

Year of production: 2016

The OGP Toolbox is a collaborative platform that gathers digital tools developed and used throughout the world by organisations to improve democracy and promote transparency, participation and collaboration.

It works as a free software, initially developed by Etalab and later co-created by the open government and the civic tech international community throughout 2016, the OGP Toolbox is one of the main deliverables of the OGP Global Summit hackathon (7, 8 and 9 December 2016).

In order to guarantee sustainability, independence and the capacity to associate various actors at the international level in the long term, the governance of the project has, since, evolved. In February 2017, the OGPToolbox.org association was created to fulfil the mission associated with the platform.

The aim is to empower public, private and civil society actors worldwide by sharing digital tools and resources, in order to promote democracy, transparency, participation and collaboration.


Open Government Partnership (OGP)

The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.

Etalab logo

Etalab is the French Prime Minister’s taskforce in charge of open data and open government French policy, on behalf of the Open Government Partnership community.

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