Sex in the Media: Media education material for TEENAGERS

Year of production: 2020

Image is taken from the original source.

Professionals working together with adolescents in the eight grade or older can use this material to introduce the students to the topic of sexualised media content and the ways it influence our perceptions. The material is especially intended for first language and literature studies, but can be utilized in other subjects or within youth work.

The material consists of information, questions for discussions, and assignments, and it covers three separate topics: sexual content in commercial
media, gender depictions, and pornography as sex education. The material is intended to be used together with the video Sex in the Media.

A teacher knows his/her students, and can use the material in a way that suits the entire group. Depending on the teacher’s decision, the subject can be dealt with in different ways: with the entire class, in smaller groups or individually.


National Audiovisual Institute

The National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI) is subordinate to the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland. KAVI preserves films and film-related materials as well as radio and television programming. KAVI also restores and digitizes Finnish film heritage, and disseminates knowledge about audiovisual culture.KAVI promotes media education, children’s media skills and the development of safe media environment for children in cooperation with other organizations in the sector. KAVI supervises compliance with the Act on Audiovisual Programmes: defines the film, TV and digital games classification criteria, trains the classifiers and supervises providers of audiovisual media.