Approaches, methods and tools for Speculative Design
Year of production: 2020
Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash
The SpeculativeEdu (Speculative Design – Educational Resource Toolkit) project is oriented towards novel educational skills and practices for the 21st century, especially those focused on the critical relations between technology and people (society). The platform and the toolkit offers a curriculum focsuing on a practice engaging with a social context, using design as a means of speculating about how things could be, examining also the possible negative implications of introducing a new product into everyday life – imagining possible futures. SpeculativeEdu is an educational, project funded by ERASMUS+, the European Union programme for education, training, youth, and sport, with the aim of strengthening speculative design education by collecting and exchanging existing knowledge and experience whilst developing new methods in the field of speculative design. Its scope is to collect, exchange, reflect upon, develop, and advance educational practice in the area of speculative design and its self-critical approach.