EKCYP Country Information Sheets on Youth Participation (2011-2012)
Year of production: 2012
Image is illustrative. slon_dot_pics (Pexels)
The European Knowledge Center for Youth Policy (EKCYP) offers information on participation structures and the degree of participation in 30 countries. This information is provided by national correspondents according to availability of data in the country. The new designed information templates on participation are already filled in by 18 correspondents and allow comparing the situation in these countries to a certain extent; additionally, information from other studies and researches will be reflected in this article.
The EKCYP templates focus on the legal situation in the given country concerning youth participation, the existing structures and organisations for youth participation, young people’s membership in NGOs and participation in elections as well as how young people can learn to participate. Furthermore records on youth information are also covered in these questionnaires. Additional data from the European Social Survey (ESS) and from Eurobarometer studies will be presented in this paper.