Game Over Hate for inclusive gaming communities
Year of production: 2013
Participants to the Game Over Hate event. Credits Game Over Hate.
Game Over Hate is an international initiative that empowers young people to challenge
hate speech and prejudice in online settings, to create safer online gaming communities, at the same time is supporting the online gaming culture to reduce discrimination and
hate speech in online settings.
It started within the Council of Europe’s No
Hate Speech Movement Campaign, and held in September 2013 its first international conference.
The motivation behind the initiative is rooted in the idea that video games and the gaming industry are an ever-growing presence in the contemporary society. Games are a presence in the life of today’s kids, adolescents and adults alike, as an art form or as entertainment. Moreover, according to the organisers, at the time when the initative was launched, more than 217 million people worldwide play online games with the average age of a gamer is 30 and around 42% of players are women.