Join the online panel “Digital Inclusion & Participation In The Age Of Digital Transformation”, 8 November 2022

17 October 2022

Being an active digital citizen can boost educational and employment prospects and also helps combat social exclusion. Indeed full participation and inclusion online can be life changing. And so, digital transformation clearly provides immense opportunities. But are too many young people being left behind?

A highly topical subject coming up for the second in a series of six panels hosted by SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) and SALTO Inclusion and Diversity Resource Centre (SALTO I&D).

Mark your diaries  for the next panel event: Digital Inclusion & Participation In The Age Of Digital Transformation8 November 2022, 13:00 CET

With 4 experts in the field of inclusion and digital participation (Jasmin Rukolainen, Adina Serban, Thomas Schallhart and Panu Räsänen) this panel will delve into the latest academic research on the topic, as well as hear from the speakers – themselves academics, practitioners and youth workers with first-hand experience of how participatory and inclusive digital transformation can be achieved. They will touch on topics like accessibility, creating safer spaces and gaming and VR as tools for youth participation.

What is it?

Digital inclusion is about people, particularly those that are disadvantaged and underrepresented, having access to, as well as the skills to use, online tools.

Alongside inclusion, digital participation is vital, giving people the knowledge, technology and online spaces to fully participate in the digital world, whether that be education, civic life or democracy.

Sustainable digital transformation will only be achieved with the full participation of all stakeholders in co-creating effective systems. Young people should have a key role to play in such a bottom-up process.

Want to know more?

Join us on the panel, listen and ask our speakers.

Who is it for?

  • youth workers and trainers
  • educators interested in digital transformation
  • everybody interested in the topic of digital transformation

Where you can follow?

Panel will be on FB live –

Youtube live –


Participation Pool | Resources on Youth Participation & Media Literacy
SALTO Participation & Information

SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre (SALTO PI) develops strategic and innovative action to encourage participation in democratic life.

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SALTO Inclusion and Diversity

The SALTO Inclusion & Diversity Resource Centre provides resources (training tools, publications, information, and more) for persons and agencies supporting young people with fewer opportunities (Inclusion workers, youth workers, social workers, National Agencies & Coordinators). By offering opportunities for training, exchange and reflection on inclusion practice and diversity management, SALTO Inclusion & Diversity works towards the visibility, accessibility and transparency of its inclusion & diversity work and resources, and towards making 'inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities' and 'positive diversity management' a widely supported priority.