Credits: New Power in Youth Strategic Partnership
The “New Power in Youth” Strategic Partnership (NPiY) is looking for researchers, non-formal and formal educators, experts, trainers, mentors, and other specialists to join a group of experts and trainers to enhance its work on participation in democratic life.
Apply by 20 March 2024 and join this unique Pool of Experts and Trainers!
The trainers and experts are invited to support the implementation of activities of NPiY Strategic Partnership and NPiY partners, as well as advise in the decision-making process of the partnership. The Pool of Experts and Trainers, as it aims to bring together experts and trainers from both the Youth and Education & Training sectors. It provides a chance to share knowledge and experience and improve the implementation and advancement of youth participation as part of the Erasmus+ priority of participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement.
New Power in Youth
New Power in Youth is a Strategic Partnership led by the Estonian National Agency for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps, in partnership with other National Agencies (NAs) from- Finland, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and SALTO Resource Centres – SALTO PI, SALTO SEE and SALTO ID. The main aim of this Strategic Partnership is to foster youth participation in democratic life. The partnership is designed as a framework to support and advance initiatives that aim to increase the quality of youth participation, at all levels. It has three wider objectives that are addressed through three Working Packages:
- Introducing Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps Youth Participation Strategy and supporting youth participation projects through E+ & European Solidarity Corps programmes (WP1).
- Supporting the strategic development of youth participation in democratic life on local, national and European levels (WP2).
- Enhancing the partnership between the non-formal and formal education sectors in order to better support youth participation in democratic life (WP3).
The partnership organises a variety of knowledge-sharing, capacity-building and networking activities each year.
Objectives and tasks of the Pool of Experts and Trainers
- Provide support and services (training, facilitation, moderation, research, consultancy, communication and others) to the New Power in Youth Partnership, NPiY partners and SALTO PI
- Contribute to ensuring the quality of New Power in Youth activities, as well as to the development, implementation and evaluation of its activities in cooperation with NPiY members
- Contribute to a community that fosters critical reflection, professional development, cross-sectoral learning, creativity and exchange of good practice and experience (experts and trainers can be offered an opportunity for this knowledge co-creation and sharing)
Possible roles of the members of the Pool of Trainers and Experts
- Paid/non-paid trainers and facilitators at various activities
- Junior trainers and trainees (including shadowing and other professional development opportunities)
- researchers (diverse approaches, including qualitative, quantitative, PAR etc.) of NPiY and its partners’ activities
- Paid/non-paid experts at different activities, including the promotion of the priority of youth participation in democratic life
Main activities planned for 2024 – 2025 (NPiY and partners, SALTO PI)
The members of the Pool of Experts and Trainers will have the opportunity to be involved as volunteers or on a contractual basis in the activities listed below. Other activities could be added through the years, based on the needs of NPiY partners or SALTO PI.
- Meetings of the NPiY Strategic Partnership
- Online Challenge for youth-focused projects – annual activity designed to support potential beneficiaries of Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps (WP1)
- Participation Training – annual activity designed to support potential beneficiaries of Erasmus + KA154 (WP1)
- Wider process of involving young people in the work of National Agencies and SALTO PI (Youth Participation Strategy Aim 5) on an institutional level (WP2)
- International research and promotion of the involvement of young people in the work of National Agencies (WP2)
- Participation Forum 2024 (WP2, SALTO PI)
- Mapping of cross-sectoral practices supporting youth participation (WP3)
- Study visits – best practices of cross-sectoral cooperation to support youth participation (WP3)
- Cross-sectoral Cooperation Forum (WP3)
- Further development of the Participation Pool (SALTO PI), including producing high-quality resources and publications and working on the redesigning, UX and usability (coordinated by SALTO PI)
- Further development of the Youth Participation Toolkit (SALTO PI)
- Development of cross-sectoral tools, articles and other resources on the topic of participation in democratic life, civic engagement and common values (SALTO PI)
- Creation of Participation-focused information materials for National Agencies and other stakeholders (SALTO PI)
- Support/co-design/carry out national activities related to youth participation (led by NPiY partners)
- Support/co-design/carry out national partnership and capacity-building activities between professionals working in non-formal and formal education sectors to support youth participation in democratic life (led by NPiY Partners)
Functioning of the Pool
The selected experts and trainers will have the opportunity to join a series of initiatives provided by NPiY Strategic Partnership, NPiY partners and SALTO PI. The elements below describe the functioning of the Pool and the main roles envisaged for the selected experts and trainers:
- Members of the Pool are expected to be active between 2024-2025
- At the end of 2025, a new open call will be launched to renew the Pool for 2026+
- Members of the Pool are expected to join at least 1 (out of 2) meetings dedicated to the coordination of the Pool and discussing broader issues connected to youth participation in democratic life
- Participation in the coordination meetings of the Pool will not be remunerated, yet NPiY and SALTO PI undertake to reimburse travel and subsistence allowances, if this is not otherwise provided for
- This selection process does not constitute a competitive procurement procedure. However, throughout the duration of the Pool mandate, its members may be offered consultancy contracts on a case-by-case basis, according to their expertise profile, and against a defined remuneration fee in accordance with the SALTO/NAs procurement rules
- The members of the Pool will be able to apply to the different open calls launched during the 2 years. They will be given priority in front of other experts and trainers in case their profile matches the requirements of the call (for activities organised by the NPiY Partnership or SALTO PI; it will not apply in case of national activities).
Expectations from the future members of the Pool
The applicants should:
- Have experience in the work of a trainer / researcher / facilitator and other activities regarding the topic of participation in democratic life
- Have a satisfactory knowledge of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (necessary experience and knowledge level varies based on the activity type).
- Have understanding, knowledge, skills and experience with the topic of participation in democratic life and interest in professional development in this regard
- Be available for the interactions and knowledge-building activities of the Pool of Trainers and Experts (at least two meetings per year)
- Have an advanced level of English (understanding, speaking, writing)
- Be a resident of one of the member states of the NPiY partners – Estonia, Finland, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and SEE region (including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro). Up to 5 members of the Pool can be selected from other eligible countries of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.
Application procedure
Interested candidates should apply by sending:
- 300-500 words motivation letter of why you would like to join the Pool
- This should describe briefly how the applicant meets the expectations of the Pool, what their interest in joining the group is, how they view and understand participation in democratic life and civic engagement, and what they would like to learn and practice more regarding the topic
- Brief description of what type of activities and in what role the candidate is interested, including their background (trainer / researcher / facilitator / etc.) and experience in Youth / Education & Training field
- Curriculum vitae and/or portfolio, illustrating the research / training experience on participation in democratic life (not more than 5 pages, focus should be on selecting the most relevant experiences that demonstrate the expertise required in the present call)
All documents relevant for the application should be sent to Brigita Medne, Youth Participation Coordinator at the SALTO Participation & Information Resource Centre ([email protected]), indicating in the email title: New Power in Youth Pool of Experts and Trainers.
Deadline: 20 March 2024 [23.59 CET].
Selection procedure
Up to 30 participants are accepted in the first year of the work of the Pool of Experts and Trainers.
In the selection procedure, we are striving for a diverse group of members – in backgrounds, fields, and experiences. We are also striving to ensure coverage of all partner work areas (Estonia, Finland, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria, SALTO SEE). We aim to select max 3 members per country while ensuring a balanced representation among partners.
Their applications are evaluated by 5 representatives of New Power in Youth Strategic Partnership.
- Required experience/qualification (60% of the total score) will be evaluated on a 1-10 point scale by each evaluator based on how well the CV and/or portfolio and motivation letter showcase relevant experience connected to participation in democratic life,
- Motivation (40% of the total score) will be evaluated on a 1-10 point scale by each evaluator based on how well the motivation letter describes their interest to apply for the Pool and their knowledge and understanding of participation in democratic life.
In the case of the same results, 1 bonus point will be given to the participant(s) involved in the European Seminar of Experts and Trainers on Participation due to their contribution to the process of Pool of Experts and Trainers creation.
Selection results will be announced by 1 April 2024.
Should you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Brigita Medne ([email protected]).
Indicative timeline of NPiY meetings and activities, 2024-2025