‘In My Own View’ Lesson Plan

Year of production: 2020

Image is illustrative. By Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash.

Resource produced with the aim to develop critical thinking, by watching and discussing a youth video and about participants’ own potential media production, as well as to offer a critical tool for trainers to promote argumentation and criticism about media in general.


Karpos Center for Education and Intercultural Communication

https://karposontheweb.orgKarpos is a Greek organization that develops local and European projects encouraging expression and the exchange of views and creative ideas through the use of media. Karpos strongly believes that, in a society where images surround us, these tools can empower both young and adult citizens to participate in social transactions and bring forward their own alternative voices. They specialize in how media, image, and sound can develop narratives and how they can be introduced in educational environments.Karpos was founded by three experienced professionals who believe that audiovisual media and new technologies through constructed hands-on group work, encourage creativity, and support the exchange of ideas. Their main aim is to help young people and adults to become more conscious and active citizens in our multicultural society.

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