Lesson Plans on Propaganda

Year of production: 2020

Image is illustrative. By Vishnu Kale on Unsplash.

This web platform provides an opportunity to explore the subject of contemporary propaganda by hosting thousands of examples of 21st century propaganda from around the world. Users can upload, examine and discuss examples of propaganda from our own daily lives. By examining propaganda, rating its potential impact, and commenting on it, people share their interpretations with others. Lesson plans deepen the learning by offering additional information, structuring discussion activities, and enabling students to demonstrate their learning through multimedia production experiences.
The eight lessons are designed to be used in sequential 45-minute sessions. You can download the complete curriculum with lesson plans and handouts as a PDF file or you can access the lesson plans as editable Google Docs to customize for learners.


Mind Over Media

https://propaganda.mediaeducationlab.com/ The Mind Over Media platform enables users to share examples of contemporary propaganda for educational purposes using crowdsourcing. The Media Education Lab is exploring the theme of propaganda because it is a ubiquitous feature of our daily lives. Mind Over Media: Analyzing Contemporary Propaganda resulted from a collaboration between Renee Hobbs and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in developing educational programming and resources to support the special exhibition, State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda.