Security-in-a-Box Course

Year of production: 2007

Image is illustrative. Dayne Topkin (Unsplash)

The Tactics Guides cover basic principles, including advice on how to use social media and mobile phones more safely. The Tool Guides offer step-by-step instructions to help you install, configure and use some essential digital security software and services.

The Community Toolkits focus on specific groups of people — sometimes in specific regions — who face significant digital security threats. They include tailored advice on tools and tactics that are relevant to the needs of these particular groups.

Security in-a-Box is jointly developed by Front Line Defenders and Tactical Technology Collective, along with a global network of thousands of activists, trainers and digital security experts.


Technical Tech
Tactical Tech

Tactical Tech is an international NGO that engages with citizens and civil-society organisations to explore and mitigate the impacts of technology on society

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