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28 results found for fake news skills training

  • Fight Manipulation: Check Fake!
    • Projects

    ideas for new projects, which is how Check Fake! ... Then I had the chance to share my new skills back in my own country ... Besides gaining skills, I also gained a lot of friends, from

  • Fake Off
    • Projects

    They involved face-to-face peer teaching and training, involving ... news; c) relevant key skills for young people to tackle them ... Grab your smartphone, take the quiz and learn about fake news

  • See through the Fake News: Co-Creating Media Literate Youth
    • Projects

    We found a call for project proposals about fake news at the ... We tried to have some of our training face-to-face, but with ... fake news.

  • Together It Tastes Better: Solidarity Coffee-2
    • Projects

    They still face exclusion in many daily situations and are often ... new staff. ... Ugnė also feels she has gained a lot: she has learned new skills

  • When Online and Offline Go in Line: DigiYouth
    • Projects

    In Armenia there are many young people who are raising their ... So, we tried to find new ways to reach them. ... about how to understand which news is real and which is fake

  • Bridges beyond Wor(l)ds: For the Active Life of Deaf Seniors
    • Projects

    What kinds of difficulties did you face? ... It has been essential to make them realise what rights they have ... some deaf people have not been able to attend school, they can face

  • Learning and Engaging with New Technologies: Digitally Agile Youth Work
    • Projects

    now being developed, this great project has provided valuable skills ... What kind of preparations did you make? ... Which roles did partner organisations take in the project?

  • Sustainability in the Classroom: New Shores Game
    • Projects

    Students take part in groups, but each group member gets to take ... It was a great meeting of minds and skills! ... The feedback we got from running the training workshops, and

  • Motivating Learners with Digital Badges: Reimagining Recognition
    • Projects

    Badges make non-formal learning visible and understandable in ... What difficulties did you face in the international partnership ... very new to us too.

  • Volunteering as a Tool for Participation and Social Inclusion
    • Projects

    director, who has a background in psychology, we were able to make ... We conduct workshops on life skills, vocational training, art ... During the training, the project leaders couldn’t take photographs

  • Digital Bridges: Shaping the Future of Digital Education
    • Projects

    As a result, they’ve facilitated numerous training sessions on ... Our main goal was to make sure our teachers felt comfortable ... We spent plenty of time on training to make this transition as

  • A Greener World Is Possible: Ambassadors of European Solidarity
    • Projects

    volunteers, and we know the challenges that a volunteer can face ... She is a great example of the success of our training sessions ... and management skills, but also creative and artistic skills

  • Online Youth Activism: No Filter
    • Projects

    Then, after the training, they would form working groups and ... And indeed, some of them still make part of our organisation’ ... to new levels.

  • Bringing Young People and Politics Together: Participatory Europe
    • Projects

    This ten-day training course in Estonia showed youth leaders, ... It's not just being informed but deciding on what action to take ... skills with youth groups all across Europe.

  • 100 Girls of Azerbaijan: Empowering Voices and Overcoming Barriers
    • Projects

    for the Harmony from South to North programme.What is this new ... PROJECT TESTIMONIALSThe new acquaintances, knowledge and experiences ... increased my access to opportunities, allowing me to develop skills

  • Leading by Doing: Digital Transformation for Civic Engagement
    • Projects

    projects and engaging people, since very often they couldn’t meet face-to-face ... Although it was raining a lot, we could do some of the activities ... After that, we became very good at inventing new ideas.

  • Training Course on Emergency Pedagogy: From Crisis to Chance
    • Projects

    We didn’t have to make serious efforts as participants were very ... dealing with it every day can affect us too, so we need to take ... Priority: Inclusion and Diversity Topic: Youth Participation / Skills

  • Youth Promoting Gender Equality: Safer Cities for Girls
    • Projects

    The group in Madrid decided to focus on raising awareness about ... TESTIMONIALS The group was amazing; it was great to connect with new ... Moreover, young people’s voices reached policy makers who are still

  • Urban Exploration as an Educational Tool: UrbEx
    • Projects

    View the streets you pass every day from a new perspective! ... planning meetings with our partners and organised a week-long training ... where each partner would take responsibility for one learning

  • Dialogue between Young People and the State: House of the Youth Representatives
    • Projects

    Committee of External Affairs liked our suggestion of providing training ... or mentoring to new diplomats. ... addressed through reforms, this was an area where we broke new