Assessment tool on digital capacities of youth work
Year of production: 2023
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The assessment tool on digital capacities of youth work is an outcome of the Digital Youth Work Strategic Cooperation between National Agencies (DYW SNAC). It has been developed and tested together with the European community of youth work practitioners between 2021 and 2023, with the support of the National Agencies for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps (NAs).
The SALTO PI description of “ Digital Transformation” maintains that “the fast-paced and disruptive nature of [ digitalisation] means that most (if not all) areas of the youth field are impacted by the possible opportunities and challenges digital transformation might bring about.” For the youth field to be able to follow, assess and manage this transformation, a self-assessment tool has been developed to make transparent and develop the capacity of youth work organisations in digital transformation.
The assessment of the digital capacity of organisations is based on the following 5 competences:
- Leadership of digital transition
- Broad-minded and transformational working culture
- Digital competences for youth workers and young people
- Digital infrastructure
- Quality assessment.
The competences are broken down into 15 sub-elements which are measured through 20 indicators. Indicators are rated through 4 proficiency levels: 1. elementary, 2. fair, 3. good and 4. Excellent and a “no capacity” option for those who feel they have not developed any capacities in that respective area. The tool provides a description for each level. The levels are cumulative in the sense that a selection of, say, level 3 ‘Good’ presupposes the attainment of lower levels. ‘Elementary’, as the lowest level also includes those who are not yet well prepared to digital youth work. ‘Excellent’ is consciously defined as a hard-to-reach level. It sets ambitious tasks and goals, typically tasks to be achieved in the future, perhaps during the next two to five years. ‘Fair’ and ‘good’ are situated between the two extremes.