Online tools for workshop planning and meeting facilitation

Year of production: 2021

The article brings into attention 34 useful and free online tools for workshop planning and meeting facilitation.

The tools are clustered in several sections:

  • Survey tools: Google Forms, Typeform, SurveyMonkey
  • File storage and document sharing: DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box
  • Free video conferencing: Zoom, Whereby, Skype, Hangouts
  • Online whiteboards: Miro, Mural, Stormboard
  • Online communication tools: Slack, MS Teams, Discord
  • Task management: Trello, Todoist, Asana
  • Note taking apps: Evernote, OneNote, Google Drive & Docs, Notion
  • Meeting planning: SessionLab, Google Sheets
  • Engagement and virtual facilitation tools: Stormz, MeetButter, Axis, Mentimeter, Slido
  • Online design tools: Canva, Figma, Invision


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SessionLab is an Estonian registered company with an aim to create a better way to design workshops. It provides tools and guidance for all interested users.