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3 results found for fake news skills training

  • DIGITOL Toolkit
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking
    • Digital Participation

    the methodology, the material and the evaluation results of a Training ... people (The Young Ambassadors) willing to improve their digital skills ... in identifying and managing fake-news, as well as increase awareness

  • Between hope and despair: pursuing long-term societal change in times of high speed
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking
    • Digital Participation

    on child safety with teaching resources for topics such as fake ... are also active in developing projects for developing digital skills ... It is also essential to think critically and make reference to

  • Trends in Digital Participation
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking
    • Digital Participation

    This innovative tool serves to make abstract ideas and concepts ... Additionally, blockchain could provide transparency in tracking ... Such criticalities include the widespread dissemination of fake