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105 results found for fake news skills training

  • Cyberbullying
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking

    Cyberbullying is not something new. ... Practical training is important! ... MIL trainings for parents would have a significant, positive

  • Developing Thinking Skills
    • Developing Thinking Skills

    Critical Thinking Critical thinking means one does not take any ... topic at face value, but analyses before forming a judgement ... The Brain Training Plan Next, let’s combine a training plan.

  • Fight Manipulation: Check Fake!
    • Projects

    ideas for new projects, which is how Check Fake! ... Then I had the chance to share my new skills back in my own country ... Besides gaining skills, I also gained a lot of friends, from

  • Fake Off
    • Projects

    They involved face-to-face peer teaching and training, involving ... news; c) relevant key skills for young people to tackle them ... Grab your smartphone, take the quiz and learn about fake news

  • See through the Fake News: Co-Creating Media Literate Youth
    • Projects

    We found a call for project proposals about fake news at the ... We tried to have some of our training face-to-face, but with ... fake news.

  • Interviewing
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking

    our everyday lives – we are interviewed when applying for a new ... With face-to-face interviews, the interviewer can also take note ... to interrupt the interviewee too much, except when they are trailing

  • SALTO Awards Top 5 Projects In All Categories Announced!
    • News

    engaged 25 diverse jury members in evaluation, and prepped for a new ... Digital Transformation VIP and new technologies: easy access ... in solving real-life issues from those related to fake news

  • Together It Tastes Better: Solidarity Coffee-2
    • Projects

    They still face exclusion in many daily situations and are often ... new staff. ... Ugnė also feels she has gained a lot: she has learned new skills

  • Critical Thinking
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking

    New challenges have emerged, for example in relation to ‘fake ... Young people need to develop skills of interpreting texts so ... Training critical thinking through discussing images What’s Going

  • When Online and Offline Go in Line: DigiYouth
    • Projects

    In Armenia there are many young people who are raising their ... So, we tried to find new ways to reach them. ... about how to understand which news is real and which is fake

  • DIGITOL Toolkit
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking
    • Digital Participation

    the methodology, the material and the evaluation results of a Training ... people (The Young Ambassadors) willing to improve their digital skills ... in identifying and managing fake-news, as well as increase awareness

  • Open call: Digital Transformers Long Term Training Course
    • News

    Online training session will take 2 days with half-day online ... increase competences of youth workers and provide them with new ... by SALTO PI and are: Multistakeholderism and participation Skills

  • Bridges beyond Wor(l)ds: For the Active Life of Deaf Seniors
    • Projects

    What kinds of difficulties did you face? ... It has been essential to make them realise what rights they have ... some deaf people have not been able to attend school, they can face

  • Open call: Media & Information Literacy Study Visit to Barcelona, Spain
    • News

    for the physical event are only accepted through the SALTO Training ... practices, challenges; create a basis for future cooperation and new ... projects to take place.

  • Learning and Engaging with New Technologies: Digitally Agile Youth Work
    • Projects

    now being developed, this great project has provided valuable skills ... What kind of preparations did you make? ... Which roles did partner organisations take in the project?

  • Erasmus+ to receive over €28 billion during 2021-2027
    • News

    with about €2.2 billion from EU’s external instruments, the new ... systems in the face of the pandemic. ... Erasmus+ will support the development of digital skills, in line

  • Audio & Radio
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking

    landscape of literacy evolved from classic literacy into a new ... with a single broadcast to communist Czechoslovakia out of New ... So why should youth workers care about training necessary skills

  • 4 Useful Open Source Tools for Developing Media and Information Literacy
    • Media, Information & Critical Thinking

    We strongly believe Media and Information Literacy (MIL) skills ... are life skills here at SALTO PI. ... Here are 5 practical and open source MIL tools to take your training

  • Discover the programmes
    • Pages

    Solidarity Corps as close as possible to the participants and make ... of 2 to 12 months by at least five young people who want to make ... energy, climate change, robotics, AI, data analysis, etc. to make

  • Discover the Outcomes of the Digital Transformers Training Course
    • News

    perspectives: digital transformation in the youth field, how to make ... After the training, participants felt more confident to make ... The matter of how to take care of the diverse groups included